
"Writers and people who had command of words were respected and feared as people who manipulated magic. In latter times I think that artists and writers have allowed themselves to be sold down the river. They have accepted the prevailing belief that art and writing are merely forms of entertainment. They're not seen as transformative forces, that can change a human being, that can change a society. They are seen as simple entertainment, things with which we could fill 20 minutes, half an hour, while we're waiting to die. It is not the job of artists to give the audience what the audience want. If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn't be the audience, they would be the artist. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need."



good for late night stalking,

One of my Favorite film clips of the year, get your occult disco on



it seems that this has turned into some posting music blog, so lets get our goth dungeon on.

This next song has made me so happy today

this one just makes me imagine having a halo of floating heads  whilst standing in front of an crude oil waterfall

this song is for being cold and alone but emotionally sedated
And some fun dressed russian soprano to finish it off






Lentil as ANYTHING

Dinner time. Romantic date at the 'pay as you feel' joint near our place. Great for these broke dayz.


My favourite part of Jake's get-up was that he was wearing this hilarious NEW Versace Tee under his jumper. I saw this funky Japanese guy at the market last week and he totally pulled it off, it was amazing, so this is a bit of an inspiration outfit. Trying to make something SO BAD, sorta OKAY.

Illumin-fun Toys!

Great toys, its EDUTAINMENT for the kids
Would you like to see more? -------> CLICK ON ME  <--------

Dr John Dee's Obsidian mirror

"This mirror was used by the Elizabethan mathematician, astrologer and magician John Dee (1527-1608/9) as a 'shew-stone', one of many polished translucent or reflective objects which he used as tools for his occult research."

The Black Stone into which Dr Dee used to call his spirits
"John Dee who was the unofficial court astrologer of Elizabeth the First. He was the man who invented the concept of the British Empire—he was the first one to use the phrase. He was very much at the heart of the Elizabethean Secret Service."
" Without John Dee, there wouldn’t have been an Isaac Newton. The science of navigation was practically invented by John Dee. He was a classic Renaissance man"

WOAH WOAH WOAH MAXIMIZE THIS and hop on the psycadelic funk ship because its optical illusion time, *thanks New Scientist*

The babes of the Fantasy Art World

It's like a 90's supermodel spread but better...(art + babes = omg) Karl Bang's work is sexy, relevant and celebrates babes of many cultures. I imagine he would be a really nice guy - after repressing his urges to draw babes for so long, he would have to be a happy man now he is free to draw at his leisure... Read excerpt under the first picture to understand a bit more about him.

"During Mao Tse-tung's Cultural Revolution in China, Karl was obligated to paint only the propaganda images the government demanded him to paint. However, in 1984 he was allowed to emigrate to the United States, where Karl was free to paint his one heart's passion - beautiful women, goddesses, and the feminine archetype - from various races and cultures. This central theme to all of Karl Bang's work is exquisitely developed and refined in each of his images. For Karl, painting women goes much deeper than their outer beauty. He sees women as epitomizing the gentler instincts of humankind - nurturing, gentility, truth, and inner strength. Now the only strategic PR he espouses is the strategy of beauty."

"Painting women is in keeping with traditional Chinese art. Women depict peace of mind and natural beauty. I try to make them different because I'm thinking of the inner soul of the person I draw, what they're thinking and not merely how they look."
- Karl Bang



For the first time in my life I have consistently kept up a gym routine, I go every 2 or 3 days and have for the past few months now (although in saying that, I hadn't been for 4 days till today and prior to that I have had a week or so here and there). The gym is a total mind-fuck, I really have to prepare myself, especially for the cardio bit. But you know what, I like pain and I like to push myself. Does that make me a masochist? Anyway, what would be fun in going to the gym if I don't get to get my BFF to take funny pics of me in my get-up?! Results as follows:

Inspring GUY

"you have to die many times in your life in order to be totally alive"
Fascinating talk on smoking opium for 45* years, snappy dresser to.

Your Mate


Battle of the Babes

pretty funky jams from cartoons that were basically extended adverts to sell children dolls, THATS RIGHT YOUR FAV CARTOONS were products from the lactating teat of capitalistic advertisers
would you like to know more??


my skulls

It seems that I have somehow stumbled into having a hobbie (SKULLS, ugh I'm a cliche)
Having a hobbie helps you fit in because when one is invited to a dinner party (a great place to practice fitting in)  conversation can be lead with the apt question "DO YOU HAVE ANY INTERESTS"
and after listening (make sure you nod at the correct time to show your paying attention,)
"I have a collecting hobbie"


I also collect pictures of old people.


“blissful” “multi-billion cell bio-computer” “mesmerising” words like this are peppered through-out descriptions of psychedelic/cosmic/syth/ambient/mediation aids or what some people term “New Age” (which in my opinion had some really terrible times in the mid 80's). You know those sonic jams heard in Alt-bookstore's , spa's, yoga sessions, I find whats fun about this kind of music is that it comes with some instructions on what it does, “accelerates learning” “beams you to Neptune”. If you are into hip new tracks that include some wailing babe who sounds like they are singing from inside Werner Herzog Cave Of Forgotten Dreams you will like it,
 If you love Gong solos, you will like it,

If you like pretending you the most witchy'est witch and nobody can understand how magick and cosmic and in tune you are with the goddess and that amethyst is totally chilling you out and that sure you wear black velvet and think about oneness/allness but you still pretend to really like fashion and being sexy and going to all the parties but your soul prefers a damp, cold, foggy sparse tribal minimalistic new age pagan retreat well maybe this stuff is also for you.

AT CRYSTAL VIBRATIONS BLOG   this guys collection is amazing. GO GET IT

every girl in the world


blind dinner date

thanks hannah

Hi I'm Cami and this is Jake, we are BFF's. This is our new blog! We hope you like it. We went to the launch of a new bar at Carlton Club last night, it was super fun. The deco is like a jungle dream, elephant included. Thanks for the invites Hannah, the free food and cocktails were delish.


waste time

animated gifs of cats and songs

relaxing time

creating a canvas of sand with a wipe, sweet now-age sounds to play thru my day, like a waterfall you can either be soothed by its crashing white noise or stand underneath to be revitalized and fresh,

Wow this person has quite the collection of waterfall gifs plus so religious over tones


Apply-zing for jobs

Perhaps I'm being overly POS



"Canadian musician Tonetta is the savior of lo-fi music. He has been crafting poetically coarse tunes using whatever equipment is available for nearly three decades."
 Wesley Willis meets John Waters


DO you think about Pyramids ?

Sometimes I think about them sure, triangles right, people have really being hating on them because hipsters use them alot in album covers (what is a hipster, is that word still relevant, is saying 'oh thats relevant' still relevant, its nearly 2012, people have been talking about 2012 for ages (Mayan calender, London Olympics) so now that we are almost in 2012 does that make it more relevant or is it always relevant...... "oooh water is so relevant")) anyway

SO yeah triangles have three sides. One(the Monad), becomes conscious of itself, this reflection creates Two (the Dyad) and the knowledge of the difference between, creates Three, an intermingling of opposites to produce a third, a movement forward. It has also been associated with the planet Jupiter, also 3 has been associated with the colour purple,
  • Ready, Set, Go
  • Three Cheers for
  • Hip, Hip, Hooray
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • A.B.C.
  • First, Second and Third World countries
  • Bronze, Silver, Gold
  • Three wise men

did you know many fruit and vegetables display three-corner structures 

We look into numbers, structure, patterns, geometry, math and how the universe is constructed using the most simple yet energy efficient means. We'll discovering the geometric code of nature with Michael S Schneider, author of "A Beginner's Guide to Construction the Universe 

Jupiter gone seapunk

Well before I got all occult what I really wanted to post was this video saying "is this how they built the pyramids"