
my little


Waiting For Reply

it's ok, Nobody really replies to anythings on this digital facething thing anyway. I used to Jump to Arbitrarily Conclusions that the receptor-of-letter was reacting  negatively to me and there-by I would be rejecting the positive experience felt writing the letter.  I hope this reaches you with a dream in you heart and its actualization in its grasp, I wish I could reach into my heart, some times  if i close my eyes and look at the ceiling light then breath in deeply into my belly there is a little squeak, I'm pretty sure that if I breath in long enough and get a brighter light that my mousey heart wont be afraid and dreams will be also in my grasp.

The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud

A Bleak sitting in the dark mood, My eyes rectangles from staring thru my computer screen,
velvet, room definitely needs more velvet,
Like a Pisces tongue striking icicles into my Ajna Chakra,
The moon reflects the hidden light of the sun,
The moon brings out the primordial animal self,
The deepest terrors are the ones that never fully take shape,
All shame has been suffocated,
But none of this matter's anymore for I need to buy an upside down skull goblet,
This is the band The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud,  

Scary 90's Goth Babes

TMLHBAC - Live at the Beltaine festival from Christian I.S. on Vimeo.



Darma Jams

STOP, what you doing?...
Me, im just cruising to this Darma Jam, that's it breath into your tummy and sway as you compute,  the visuals are sweet but me I prefer to sway in front of the mirror bouncing my sensual Qi back into me. oh yeah I love watching me move my Qi.

(i really hope the lyrics translate into something i would agree with)

They Live

Sure this is a very bloggable thing to blog about in blog land but here we go,
I dunno if your still into this stuff, but have you seen the movie "They Live" its one of my favorite .John Carpenters subversive epic, from which many iconic images have been lifted ,Shepherd Farley's 'OBEY' logo being one of the major visual ones that come to mind, also David Icke used alot of screen caps in his slide show, plus the soundtrack rules and its got Rowdy Roddy Pipper WWF Superstar as the lead, the fight scene in the middle is like the films sex scene its so amazing. DROOL. here it is below in its entirety, thanks  Google Video

See you round.

When I am Hacking The MainFrame, I listen to this song



Im burning some right now and I thought HEY by posting about it i can LEARN ABOUT IT

Ok this is kinda in point form (kinda as in it is)

Its good for concentration, discipline and organization, it also is said to attract man (which I agree with because I am a man and I like it) I just read that it also boost's male erections, oh wow, a quick Interent image search of the phrase Cinnimon Flavoured Condoms tho will bring up gay porn showed up (gay porn is very manly)

As incense it is related to The Third charka, The solar plexus, also the element of fire

It has  mild anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-clotting properties. 

"Studies also suggest that it may help stabilize blood sugar, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes," says dietitian Nancy Clark"

Also it smells pretty good, I so firm about how I like it, its a good stiff plunging deep into the moist earth

Butal! I want two of these on the end of my bed

Picture helps remember properties of Cinnamon


I had a coffee this morning, I noticed even my eyes were shaking which was making it very difficult to focus on anything, SO WITH A QUICK INTERNET, I found a mini meditation qigong exercise thats quick easy, check it out!

Qi is fun for you and me, I also drank 1 lt of water


pyschic protection

So, scared of others reading your thought? Have you heard about the moon being a big radar dish perverting our perception of the world? Welcome to the GLAM WORLD OF METAL MILLINERY, There is two types of foil that of your hat and that of thier plans for MIND CONTROL.

"hear no evil,see no evil they wont make me THINK no evil"
Conspiracy Cap,
He is picking up on the vibe, OF LIFE
This  pyramid one has a quartz crystal on its peak, drool, if anything it would increase your own powers!!
the tiara really brings it into contemporary season, watch out Jeremy Scott

Seriously your best bet to avoid this electronic intrusion is a Faraday cage or a total foil suit because the frequency can still get in through the bottom (your exposed neck) also there has been studies (done by some Berkley dudes) that the tin foil hate actually amplifies the signal.


I love you Krumpus singing lady

St Nicks buddy, I really like her outfit, the lyrics of the song explain the idea of Krumpus LEARNING THRU SONG

this is pretty much the coolest Christmas parade ever


I'm gonna start practicing this so that my powers increase, also check out how cool the reporter is,




 "Meow's I't going?"   "woof's going on here?"


stars signs can be so flaccid (the fact that flaccid needs two "c's" to spell is quite telling) so buy research alone! i present a taster for my new book SEXY STARS

Libra: I know we can all agree that the feeling is mutual, that reach around was greatly appreciated, so were the petals on silk sheets,the incense and those candles of multiple mutable uses, god you look sexy making my bed in the morning.

Scoripo: YOU command that others must be devoured in your incomparable eminent sexual vigour, COMPEL THEM, make them chase you, opportunities like yourselfs are like a bulging blood moon, bold and beautiful to behold birthed by smouldering burnings.

Sagittarius: Hey you taste of spicy vinaigrette, lets break into the pools and swim in our silky whites cos your Negligee is definitely in need of a wash, ironic for how dirty you will feel after

Gemini: Wow wow wow this is fantastic it is totally like if you were a library id be referencing your section, it’s the drooly decimal system, inter-texual baby behold this intersexual, rub my Kirk until you Dr Spock.

Leo: Another fantastic job, you will agree when you told them how immensely fabulous you are, how the wind catches you hair, the power of you on top,This week for a laugh I advise hiding mirrors around your house so when later you come across your reflection you will be able to understand how Startlingly good looking you are

Virgo: Gosh I think that hottie we have been following just noticed you, thats it just keep on lingering in their peripheral vision, just like how Michelago made David? by chip-chipping away, How about keeping a lite journal in which record different smiles you have and with practise you will have the right face on for when they enter the room "I want your braces as my bra's underwire"





STORY time

Has anyone ever pissed directly into a fridge before? I remember one of my first teen party experiences (TEEN PARTY!!) I was sporting those a pair of grey tracksuit pants (so fashion forward during the party I spilled my Milo chocolate drink on it and when it dried it looked like shit stains and the cool girls were there and one of them talked to me!AMAHGAHHH!! oh god trying to remember being 15 is like stepping back into a vivid nightmare of colour and emotion, im seeing paneled tones of blue and deep green) what am I talking about oh yeah, this 'fellow' started to piss in the hosts fridge. Then the hosts older sisters boyfriend came in and repetitively slammed the peeing boy's 15 year old head with the fridge door and then made him lick it up the tepid pee pool.Oh I think we all a lesson that day.


I can drama!


SUPER FOOD: coconut oil

I love coconut oil, to rub on myself, to run thru my hair (usually when im crying) and to use in cooking, plus people tan with it and coconut scented things rule (reminds me of hot babes) how can you not like coconut, well I'm sure there is lots of ways you could not like it, you are your own person and you can make your own decision, I respect you, Im reading books to learn how to understand you. anyhoo LOOK did you know that it can be used in blood transfusion? Its a super food A SUPER FOOD, look here is some stuff i cant be bothered retyping
The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc.
from OrganicFacts.com
This Clip is a MILLION blog years old but LOOK IT HAS COCONUT I LOVE YOU OCTO-FRIEND Perhaps I suggest turning the sound off the previous clip and having this jam as the soundtrack (IT MENTIONS COCONUTS) THIS ONE LOOKS LIKE PERSON!

Photo Camera

Hey buddy, do you take photos on your smart phone, LOOK AT THIS THING



its bright so bright the light, we are closer to the screen then ever before. am i addicted. when was the first time you saw a screen? how often during the day do you see a unique screen. my relationship with light. I'm trying to understand why I could be so alone, I checked the mirror, it agreed with me, it said i am groovy, hip. The guy at supermarket checkout always smiles at me. except for tonight,there was a new one, he paid no attention to me didnt even ask if i had a regular customer card, i respected that. i feel closer to the wall then to you. this is posted at 2:22am.


Muscal Talent

I have a friend he has music playing skills, this is his song and him on his skateboard,

Rigorous Mortis

Ok I want like a really sad song to play at my funeral nothing wimpy, it must make everyone cry lots of tears so that all the girls that I have kissed/sexed (who of course are there to mourn for me) will be bawling. Eyes gushing so much water that their white thight shirts become drenched and see-thru totally.exposing.their.erect.nipples. They would look around in shame until they notice everyone else is crying and everyone else is so hot(sexy). this causes a spontaneous urge to discover each others salty bodies. BUT THE PRIEST is a Houdon Witch Doctor and brings me back to life, as I rise out of my coffin everyone gasps at the rise in my pants, at my ZOMBIE ERECTION and I totally do everyone there really hard to the max and make everyone cum and they like, are so satisfied, then I shoot my wad like Spiderman shoots webs and TOTALLY SWING OUT OF THERE.

Late Night Stalking

Tropic of Cancer has a new album out!!! I like them because they give me the controllable (via volume) feelings of cold and alone Tropic Of Cancer - L.O.V.E. Feelings by Sound Injections

a song about a type of dance